Health Management
6 Causes Of Nosebleed In Children

6 Causes Of Nosebleed In Children

If your child has a nosebleed, you would normally panic and worry if they are ok. But instead of panicking, it is worth understanding What causes nosebleeds in children first. This blog post explains the causes of nosebleeds in children.

1. Dry air

Dry air from the central heating or an air conditioner can cause a nosebleed. As the air is so dry, it will dry up the mucous in your child’s nose and cause a nosebleed.

If your child has a cold, this also causes nosebleeds in children.

2. Injury to the nose

If your child has sustained an injury to their nose, for example, if they have fallen and hit their nose, there is a chance that the blood vessels in the nose will burst.

3. Picking the nose

If your child is always picking their nose or covering it with their fingers, this can lead to an accumulation of mucous under the skin of the nose. This mucous is squeezed out through the skin, through a nosebleed.

4. Colds and allergies

Colds and allergies can be another cause of a nosebleed. If your child has a cold, they might suffer from congestion in their sinus. This congestion leads to mucus build-up in the sinuses and under the skin in the nose. As this mucus builds up, it will push against the blood vessels in the nose, causing a nosebleed.

5. Object in the nose

If your child accidentally puts something sharp or hard in their nose, this can also cause a nosebleed. As the object moves inside the nose, it will hit the delicate blood vessels, causing them to burst. This will lead to a nosebleed.

6. Blowing the nose too hard

Blowing the nose too hard can also cause a nosebleed. The air pressure can easily rupture or burst blood vessels inside the nose and lead to a nosebleed.

The above causes of bleeding in children can make their nose become sore and red. However, there is no need to panic. The causes of nosebleeds in children are easy to understand and prevent.


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