Staying Healthy
Benefits Of Using A Healthier Butter

Benefits Of Using A Healthier Butter

Butter is an edible emulsion of unsaturated fatty acids which are solid at room temperature; they contain both saturated and unsaturated fat. It also contains water in small percentages as well as proteins and trace amounts of vitamins A, D(if fortified), E & K(if fortified).

It is usually eaten as a spread on bread, toast, canapes and pancakes. Butter is made by churning fresh cream until it separates into butterfat (about 80% fat) and whey. It is then salted and the water removed to produce butter.

Benefits of using a healthier butter

Butter is composed of the fat and protein components of the cream. Whey proteins are involved in emulsification, which means that they hold in water, preventing phase separation of fats and water. With a lower fat percentage, butter is not adequate as a spread on foods where moistness is not desired such as toast or bread, but it can be used when more moisture is present such as in cakes and pancakes.

A healthier butter contains minimal amounts of saturated fat and no hydrogenated fats. It is also cholesterol free. It contains vitamins A, D(if fortified), E & K(if fortified) which are good for boosting the immune system, strengthening bones and good for skin health.

It has a reduced saturated fat content which is ideal for people with high cholesterol. Low in saturated fat and trans fats, it can be used as a spread on food items that do not require a moistness.

Healthy butter contains essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and di-linolenic acid (DLA). These molecules strengthen the immune system, protect against skin cancers, reduce the risk of heart disease and may assist in weight management. These unsaturated fats are also used by the body to create essential prostaglandins responsible for much of the body’s mechanism for healing.

Cholesterol free, butter is made only of the fat and protein components of the cream. Whey proteins are involved in emulsification, which means that they hold in water, preventing phase separation of fats and water.

A healthier butter contains healthy unsaturated fatty acids, which boosts the immune system, strengthens bones and improves skin health.


Butter is a rich source of fat and cholesterol, but contains no trans-fat. It can be used as a spread on bread or bread rolls, toast, buns or muffins where oils are not desired. Alternately, it can be used as a side to desserts such as cakes or ice cream where moistness is present.


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