Types Of Nutrient Deficiencies

Nutrients are the building blocks of your body. They support health and wellness by providing energy, repairing structures and cells, boosting the immune system, and regulating processes. But there’s more to health than just eating enough calories—a healthy diet includes making sure you get enough nutrients too. The following are Types of Nutrient Deficiencies: 1. IRON DEFICIENCY Iron is one […]

Benefits Of Using A Healthier Butter

Butter is an edible emulsion of unsaturated fatty acids which are solid at room temperature; they contain both saturated and unsaturated fat. It also contains water in small percentages as well as proteins and trace amounts of vitamins A, D(if fortified), E & K(if fortified). It is usually eaten as a spread on bread, toast, canapes and pancakes. Butter is […]

Know About The Heart-healthy Diet

Heart-healthy diet is the consumption of food in proper proportions that is suitable for the heart. This diet should not be combined with a high level of stress or any other factor which may cause heart muscle fatigue. The following are some of the heart-healthy diet; 1. Fatty fish are also heart-healthy diet This diet is a source of protein […]

Benefits Of Using Healthy Oils

Healthy oils can be used in cooking, salad dressing, or as a substitute for butter. They are usually liquid at room temperature and contain high amounts of monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids. This article will help you understand the varieties of oils, how to store them, and how to use them in cooking. When selecting an oil for cooking […]

How Does Avocados Lower Heart Disease Risk

Avocados are the new kings of heart health. They’re rich in good fats, plant-based folate, and antioxidants that fight inflammation. Avocados are a better alternative to butter and heavy foods because they’re loaded with healthy monounsaturated fats that may help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. But what’s behind the avocado hype? How can one fruit pack such a powerful […]

5 Benefits Of Getting Enough Sleep

When you visit your doctor, they might ask how many hours you sleep each night. You might think that this is an irrelevant question, but your sleeping habits can actually have a significant impact on your overall health. Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Here are five benefits of getting enough sleep: 1. It can help […]

Vitamin B6: An Essential Component For Living A Long And Healthy Life

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin essential to the normal functioning of several biological processes. Together with the other B vitamins, it assists the body in producing red blood cells, metabolizing protein and fat, and producing antibodies. Additionally, it helps in the regulation of your mood and emotions. 5 Foods To Eat to Get Enough Vitamin B6 The following are […]