Tips To Use Parachute

Tips To Use Parachute

Parachute is a fabric material that is typically used as a canopy or a cover, sending goods or people into the air. The earliest evidence of parachute are from around 1600 BC, which consisted of an attached basket to a lighter this would then be lifted by hot air.

Tips to use parachute

1. Creating a parachute

Create your parachute by getting an appropriate-sized plastic bag, nylon sock, sheets of paper and colourful ribbon. Then, cut holes in the plastic bag and make it into a cone. Put the cone together with the sock, create a hole at the end of the sock and place it inside the plastic bag. Cut holes on the side of the sock, tie both ends of ribbon to fix them on both sides of your parachute.

2. Testing the parachute

Drop your parachute from the top of a building, or in this case a cardboard box. Make a mark on the object that you have dropped it from. Then, write down how far your parachute has fallen, and compare the measurement to make sure you have similar measurements. If not repeat until you get similar results.

3. Experimenting with different parachutes

Use different materials and see if they affect the height of your parachutes fall. Use different colours of ribbon and compare them as well to see if one colour will help pull up your parachute higher than another colour.

Benefits of using parachute

1. Eco-friendly

The parachute is eco-friendly as it uses eco-friendly materials like ribbons, paper and plastic.

2. Inexpensive

Parachute does not require a lot of money to make as the materials are inexpensive and easy to source or use. These materials also don’t cost up a lot of money to replace if damaged or lost, which makes parachute affordable for most people.

3. Practical

Parachute is practical as it can be used in many different ways, one way is the transportation of goods and people up to a high height. It can also be used in sports like parachuting and skydiving, where they jump off an object with their parachute so they can land safely at the bottom.

4. Space-saving

Parachute can fit in small places, making it space saving as it doesn’t take a lot of room to store. It can be folded up easily without damaging the parachute bag and parachute, which makes it convenient when storing and travelling with.


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